New Colorado Air Quality Plan Encourages Alternatives To Driving To Work
The State of Colorado is taking a new approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and it might impact how you get to and from work. A new rule by the Air Quality Control Commission would require hundreds of businesses to limit the number of people who drive to work.

Kelly Sloan (Freedom to Drive): New rule attacks people who drive to work
Just when you think Colorado can't get more insanely leftist, the Dept of Public Health and Environment is promulgating a rule that would punish employers of 100 employees or more for not making it more difficult or expensive for employees to drive to work.

Sloan | Colorado's climate zealots on car watch
The draft rule from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to force businesses on penalty of daily fine to micromanage their employees' commute, and reduce substantially the number of their employees who dare drive their own cars to work, has not engendered a great deal of comment so far.

Is there a war against cars in downtown areas?
Is there a war against cars in downtown areas? Yes, says my guest this week. Kelly Sloan is the Executive Director for the Freedom to Drive Coalition and he joins me to talk about their defense of the liberty to travel on any road in the vehicle of anyone’s choice.

Coalition Will Keep Fighting for Colorado Motorists
Freedom to Drive Coalition Executive Director Kelly Sloan had the following to say in response to news reports of a "deal" being struck between Colorado and certain automakers regarding California zero emissions vehicle rules.
"The proposal for an 'alternate approach' that was struck between auto manufacturers and the state of Colorado does not change the negative economic impacts that the ZEV rule will impose on Colorado consumers. That means it does not materially change the position of the Freedom to Drive Coalition. It is simply an acknowledgment that the automobile manufacturers cannot meet the unrealistic mandate in Colorado without...

We the Road-Users... Need a New Declaration of Independence
What Would Freedom Mean Without the Freedom of the Road?
As we pause from our labors this week to celebrate another Independence Day, it’s a good time to reflect a little on the question of whether the liberties our Founders cherished and fought for are flourishing or diminishing, expanding or contracting, here in “the land of the free.”

Coalition Makes Its Case Against California Car Mandates
(Denver-Colorado) A coalition of concerned citizens and businesses leading the fight against Colorado’s adoption of California zero emission vehicle mandates today made public its key arguments against the costly new rules, which currently are under review by the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission. An economic impact analysis commissioned by the…

Opinion: There’s a better road to cleaner vehicles than California’s ZEV standard
The Sun’s June 6 piece, “Front Range air quality is terrible, but Colorado’s efforts are showing some improvement in ozone pollution,” presented an imbalanced picture of the state of environmental quality in Colorado. The overwhelmingly good...

Freedom to Drive Board Member Tim Jackson on CBT News about Electric Cars in Colorado
Freedom to Drive Board Member, Tim Jackson who is President of the Colorado Automobile Dealers Association talks about Tesla, Electric Vehicle Laws in Colorado.

Guest Column: Don’t force a West Coast fix on Colorado
A mere four months into his governorship, Jared Polis has made it abundantly clear: despite running to be the governor of Colorado, he’d prefer our roads mimic those straight out of California. Polis is using the heavy hammer of government to force us into electric vehicles. This ill-conceived approach fails to....

Freedom to Drive Board Member Tim Jackson on CBT News out of Atlanta on Emissions
Tim Jackson - Freedom to Drive Board Member talks about the Impending California Emission Standards coming to Colorado this Spring.

CADA’s Tim Jackson on Fox News’ Brett Baier Special Report
Colorado Auto Dealer Association President & CEO, Tim Jackson spoke as a Guest Expert representing Colorado on Fox News' Brett Baier Special Report recently.