Colorado Adopts California clean car standards
As Colorado looks eye Zero Emissions Policy, learn more about what may come if we adopt the Standards
Colorado AQCC moves forward with California LEV regulations; to consider separate ZEV mandate
The Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) will move forward with a proposal to adopt California Low Emission Vehicle standards for new light- and medium-duty motor vehicles sold in Colorado beginning in MY 2022.
Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate Proposal
On June 19, 2018, Governor Hickenlooper signed Executive Order B 2018 006, Maintaining Progress on Clean Vehicles. It directs the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) to consider a proposed rule adopting a California Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Standard. The AQCC passed Regulation 20 - The Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation (CLEAR) - on November 16, 2018.
Colorado makes a move to adopt the ZEV mandate
On Thursday, August 16, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) took the first step toward establishing the Colorado Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) program, incorporating the requirements of the California LEV program. This is in response to an Executive Order from Governor Hickenlooper to maintain progress on clean vehicles despite the activity at the federal level to roll back the clean car standards.
Following LEV OK, Colorado to consider California’s zero emission vehicle (ZEV) standard by 2022
As expected, Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission on Friday approved new low emission vehicle (LEV) standards for new light-duty and medium-duty motor vehicles sold in Colorado beginning in the 2022 model year.
Prompted by outgoing Gov. John Hickenlooper’s June 19 executive order, entitled “Maintaining Progress on Clean Vehicles,” the new LEV standards will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 2 million tons a year by 2030.
Progress on Clean Car Standards in Colorado
Earlier this year, Colorado Governor Hickenlooper signed an executive order which began the process of establishing a Colorado Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) program. If adopted into the Colorado Code of Regulations, the Colorado LEV program would introduce stricter fuel economy standards for all new vehicles sold in the state.
Gov. Polis to implement zero emission vehicle mandate in Colorado
Colorado is preparing to follow in California's footsteps in the hopes of increasing ownership of zero-emission vehicles. This is the first executive order from Colorado's new governor Jared Polis.
Colorado governor Jared Polis announced on Thursday that he signed an executive order "supporting a transition to zero-emission vehicles." The plan includes an adoption of the zero emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate that California and several other states have also implemented, in accordance with section 177 of the Clean Air Act, which allows other states to adopt California's stricter emissions requirements.
Colorado’s Air Quality Regulators Adopt New Vehicle Emission Standards
DENVER, CO — Today, Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) voted unanimously to adopt the Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Program standards for cars and trucks. Vehicle emissions are among the largest contributors to carbon pollution in Colorado and contribute to the smog and air toxins that threaten public health. The new LEV standards will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from cars that threaten our health and economy, help Coloradans breathe easier, and help families save money at the pump.
Colorado takes first step toward California electric-vehicle mandate
Electric cars aren't just for the coasts anymore.
Colorado took its first step Thursday toward becoming the 10th state to follow California's zero-emissions vehicle mandate, which would require automakers to sell electric cars there.